Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, animals both domesticated and wild, who would have thought a mouse and a spider could be friends?
And so the news of the day is that Disney has bought Marvel for an estimated $4 billion. Disney's belief, a rather sound one, is that Disney has the market on little girls cornered with Princesses, Hannah Montana, High School Musical, Wizards of Waverly Place and all that, but they have a big hole when it comes to boys. Well that hole has just been stuffed by about 5000 superheroes courtesy of Marvel.
- Here's the Wall Street Journal article if you want the specifics.
- Another interesting article on Tor's blog about the merger.
- And in case you are curious about whether or not Warren Ellis will be writing Disney comics, he has added a Disney FAQ page to his blog, which outlines his answer.
So what's your opinion on the buyout, dear reader?
Spider-Man Mickey Mouse Head courtesy of Foxy Man, who also created the picture below. I'm not sure how to comment on it except that it reminds me of a mix between Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho and a commercial for some bathroom cleaner.
Later Fiends,

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