Eve Hallows and the Book of Shrieks

Now Available

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Write Everyday ... The Right Way

Sitting down to the page is often personal. A solitary thing. Just you versus your ability to transcribe your thoughts. It's sometimes elating, sometimes depressing, and sometimes, well, you start to forget why you wanted to do it in the first place. Around the time I started questioning my own faith, so to speak, I saw that horror master Jack Ketchum was teaching a workshop. I figured what the heck, I'd give it a shot.Turns out, it was exactly...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The road to hell is paved with form rejections

This month's Hellnotes article is all about rejection. Sadly, I've become something of an expert in this area, and I'd like to share with you some of my own experiences on what has worked for me over the years.So grab a cup of coffee, make sure the boss isn't lurking around the corner and enjoy THE ROAD TO HELL IS PAVED WITH FORM REJECTIO...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

All Hallow's Read

Neil Gaiman has been promoting the idea of giving a scary book to friends and loved ones this Halloween. He's calling it All Hallow's Read.  It's a good idea. My family and I started this tradition several years ago (though ours has remained nameless until now.) The idea came about because my wife and I wanted our children to read more, and we decided Halloween would be a fun day to celebrate books. In our version any book...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Give the gift of Garbage this Halloween

For a limited time--or to be more precise, until Halloween--you can get a free copy of GARBAGE, INC. Just click here and use the promo code LU44B to download to your favorite e-thingy.And while I'm in full salesman mode--excuse me whilst I's adjust my tie--I noticed on B&N's ereader blog they are running an awesome Halloween deal. For just $2.99 each, you can get Brian Keene's DARK HALLOW, Richard Laymon's AFTER MIDNIGHT and John Everson's...

Monday, September 27, 2010

Paying It Forward

While most of my Hellnotes articles provide the individual writer with some fundamental rules for crafting a story, this month's article goes in a different direction by focusing on the horror genre as a community. With all that doom and gloom thrashing around the publishing world, it's important to remember that the burden is not yours alone. So this month I thought I'd bring attention to how we can help each other in a little article I threw together called Paying it Forwa...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Horrorfind Weekend Wrap-Up

Let me start by saying if you're a fan of horror, then you need to attend Horrorfind Weekend. I have never had more fun at a convention of any kind. The celebrities were fantastic--which of course can be said of a lot of conventions--but this one was so laid-back it was surreal. I knew it was going to be that way once I got on the elevator and standing next to me was George Romero.Or perhaps it was when I went into the lounge and saw Jack Ketchum.Oh,...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Horrorfind Weekend Update; New Short Story Now Available

Horrorfind Weekend is almost upon us. So if you live near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, or you got a hankerin' for a road trip, come check it out. It'll be going on Sept 3-5. My reading is scheduled for somewhere between 1:00pm and 2:00pm on the 5th. This year I'll be reading Garbage, Inc., a heart-warming tale about a man, his dead prostitute and a mysterious garbage man. If you'd like to check out the story now, it's available for just one dollar...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Horrorfind Weekend Update

I've been busy lately preparing for my reading at Horrorfind Weekend (now only 22 days away), trying to get my story all neat and tidy, which includes, among other things:Compacting the story I'll be reading, so it doesn't go over my allotted 15 minutesPracticing voices in the mirror (which I should record and post; it is a rather comical sight)Rewriting entire chunks that worked okay on paper, but really suck when read aloud So what story will I be reading? Here's a hint. One of the links to your right no longer wor...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

For those who need a break from it all

April 2010: A time when the weather was cool and comfortable, when the barrage of snow finally seemed to be drawing to a close, when the BP oil disaster was still in its infancy... And when I originally published Replenishing Your Creative Well. I'd like to bring us back to those simpler, less oily times once again ... Enter cheesy time-warp effects here.Replenishing Your Creative Well ...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Another one of those pesky articles

Another month goes by, another Hellnotes article goes up. Need a refresher on those five narrative parts that make up a story? You can get your learn on here:The Five Narrative Modes of FictionAnd don't forget: Horrorfind Weekend is creeping up, now only 39 days away. Do you have your tickets yet? I've heard the first hotel is sold out, but there are still rooms available at the sister hotel next door ... at least for n...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy J4


Monday, June 28, 2010

Dead Ends & Unearthing Resonance: The Return

This month I thought I'd bring another how-to article back from the dead. Well, it's not actually dead, and it never really lived ... And what the hell am I talking about? Anyways, here for your eyeballing pleasure is Dead Ends & Unearthing Resonance, a touching romantic comedy that is sure to lighten the heart.And as always, I'd like to thank the folks at Hellnotes for letting me push my drivel on them first. The original article is still available there, along with more great horror news and reviews.Dead Ends & Unearthing Resonance ...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Time to get edumacated

My latest article, which is all about pacing yourself, is now available on Hellnotes. You can check it out here:On Pac...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Just living the dream ...

What three days of writing in a hotel room in Minneapolis looks like ...Day 1Day 2Day...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Horrorfind Weekend ... It's Official

You probably thought this year's Horrorfind Weekend couldn't get any bigger. With horror icons like George Romero, Bruce Campbell and Doug Bradley lurking about; and authors like Clive Barker, Jack Ketchum, Joe R. Lansdale and Brian Keene* feeding sweet madness into the recesses of the mind, what more could you possibly ask for ...?Well, ME!Yup, this year I get put on the chopping block. I'll be performing a reading on Sunday, September 5, from...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

13 Tips for Writing Horror Fiction

It's that time of the month again.  Of course, I'm talking about my latest Hellnotes article, which is now available for your reading pleasure. Check it out. 13 Tips for Writing Horror Fiction This blog entry is in no way affiliated with the movie poster for Friday the 13 or Paramount or Jason Voorhees. I simply needed the number 13 and it was just too easy to take ... Like stealing candy from a homicidal mani...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Those things that refuse to remain dead and buried

While Hellnotes will continue to receive all of my how-to articles first (in fact my latest should be available tomorrow), I'll be putting some of the older ones on Scribd.The first one, The Three Requirements of Dialogue, is available now.The Three Requirements of Dialogue ...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Replenishing Your Creative Well

This month's how-to article is now available on Hellnotes. It's all about how to keep your creative gas tank full, so you don't get stranded in that wrong part of town known as writer's block.As always, if you have a suggestion on why you like the article, or why you think I have no idea what I'm talking about, please drop me a comment here or on Hellnotes.Replenishing Your Creative W...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Brief Interlude

Last week I got the chance to see the Grand Canyon. It was my first visit, and though I've seen it at least a hundred times in pictures--and I had a good idea of what to expect--I was still completely and totally amazed. It was like I had been transported to Ray Bradbury's Mars or Frank Herbert's Arrakis.Anyways, here's some more pics...Even more amazing than the canyon was this dinosaur made of giant steel chains, which would fall into the category...

The Latest Results Are In ... FORM REJECTION

I've been spending a lot of time lately submitting out various works to agents and small presses, and I've been gathering an impressive amount of rejections. (Hell, I think I even sent my wife a query on what's for dinner, and that one got rejected, too.) Of all the rejections, though, the malodorous form rejection is the one that really stinks up my inbox. It is a reminder that you're just bothering someone and they need to swat you away with...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dead Ends & Unearthing Resonance

My latest article is available on Hellnotes. This month's topic is on how to make your endings resonate with your readers. So pop on over and check it out:Dead Ends & Unearthing Resona...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Some Gum under the Desk

Over the weekend, I saw Tim Burton's updated version of Alice in IMAX 3D, and I was sadly disappointed. Visually the movie was stunning; the actors performed well enough; and through a good part of the beginning, I thought for sure Burton hit this one out of the park. Unfortunately, it was just a long foul ball. By the middle of the movie, the plot had become hardly serviceable, and the characters were losing their luster. By the end, I felt...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Scribd Goes Mobile

Scribd has started a new service that allows you to send any of their more than 10 million documents directly to your choice e-reader or smartphone.Here's the details from Publishers Weekly:Scribd's Going Mobile, Moves to Open ContentAnd lookey here ... I have some free short stories that are available on Scribd for you to try:Garbage, Inc. The Leaves Fall in SpringtimeAll Too CozyThe Flow...

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Three Requirements of Dialogue

My latest how-to article is now available on Hellnotes. This month's topic is all about dialogue, which I cover in more detail than a normal person really should. Check it out, and let me know what you think:The Three Requirements of Dialogue...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Some Stuff

I spent the past weekend in Manhattan, visiting family and enjoying the sights. I had the pleasure of taking my daughter to see Neil Gaiman perform with the Knickerbocker Chamber Orchestra. They did a rendition of Sergei Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf. It was a wonderful production, and my daughter and I enjoyed it very much. After dropping the kiddies off, we headed over to Keat's on 2nd Ave for some cocktails and karaoke. If you missed my...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A New Gig

It's official. Meet the newest writer for the Bram Stoker Award-winning newsletter Hellnotes. The title of my monthly column is Gray Matter, and it will focus on the craft of writing horror fiction, a subject I absolutely love to discuss. I've recently submitted my first article, and it may be available as soon as tomorrow for your viewing pleasure. I'll post it on the right under a section called Gray Matter when it becomes available.If there are some particular subjects you would like me to focus on, please let me know.I suggest you include Hellnotes into whatever your choice RSS reader is, but I'll also be posting the articles on this...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Typewriters vs. Computers

I imagine you're all busy sticking to your resolutions, Dear Readers, so I'll keep this post short and with a sugar substitute.I've managed to plow through the first draft of my apocalypse novel, and though there's some good stuff there, most of it won't make the second draft. Better stated: My first draft is Crap. That's okay though. It's how I write. Some writers can put down a first draft that is almost complete. Look at Kurt Vonnegut. ...

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