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Writing Tips

'Cause Every Writer Has an Opinion

Monday, March 28, 2011

The New Writer's Rejection: Zero Purchases

Thinking of self-publishing? You might wanna check out this month's Hellnotes article before you dive in.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St Paddy's Day

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Before You Begin


  1. Buy the most expensive computer imaginable, with a monitor as wide as a bay window.

  2. Fill your writing room with a really big desk ('cuz you need to fit that monitor somewhere). The bigger the desk, the more important and author-ish you will feel.

  3. Get yourself a nice pen. I suggest one of the Writers Edition pens from Montblanc. My personal favorite is the Edgar Allan Poe. You won't need it for writing, but it looks good on a big desk next to a big monitor.

  4. Refuse advice from friends, agents, editors, other writers or anyone else who has an opinion on how you should write. You and I both know what opinions are like anyway.

  5. Expect immediate success. In fact, demand it in your query letter --of which there will be only one.

  6. After you complete your first draft, your manuscript is done. Refuse to make changes. You are an artist. It's time you start acting like one.

  7. Most important of all, read my latest article on Hellnotes. It's called BEFORE YOU BEGIN.

If you still have questions on how to approach this whole writing thing, the video below will explain everything.

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