Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, animals both domesticated and wild, welcome to my cyber home, where the only pork projects here involve squealing, conveyor belts, dull blades and ... well, it's all very messy really.
Michael Chabon will be speaking at Lehigh University on Sunday, March 22. It's free and open to the public. If you're in the Northeast Pennsylvania area, and you've been dying to meet me, then, you know, he'll be there too. The information can be found here.
In anticipation I've been reading a collection of short stories edited by Chabon. And what an awesome collection of writers, from Stephen King and Joyce Carol Oates to Peter Straub and Margaret Atwood.

Whether or not you appreciate Chabon's writing style, you should at least give the guy credit for bridging gaps between literary and genre fiction, and this collection is something of a testament to that ability, putting together genre and literary writers in one fantastic collection.

Another book I've been reading bit by bit is Chabon's nonfiction collection of essays Maps and Legends. Many of the essays were previously published, but as a collection and because of the gimmicky cover (which I am always a sucker to) I think it stands as a fine collection and brings a deeper, sometimes bitterly passionate understanding of why Chabon walks that line between literary and genre fiction.
Later Fiends

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